Forth Annual Meeting

16 Oct 2024

The fourth annual LiverScreen meeting was held on September 20, 2024, at Padova University Hospital. INNOVATION ACTA attended the meeting and shared updates on Project management, deadlines and reporting activities.

The annual meeting was organised in the context of the International Meeting on MASLD, organized by the University of Padova (Prof. Paolo Angeli and Prof. Robert Vettor) from September 20 to 21 2024 in Padova.

In conjunction with the MASLD Meeting, a LiverScreen Symposium was organized to showcase the project’s contributions to the field. The symposium covered the following key topics:

The impact of innovative technology (Laurent Castera, Paris)
Screening of liver disease: is it cost effective? (Miquel Serra Burriel, Zurich)
Best screening strategies in the general population (Maja Thiele, Odense)
The LiverScreen project (Pere Gines, Barcelona)

Meeting Agenda